Monday, March 31, 2008


If you live in China, should you learn the lingo?? The truth is that you should be able to speak any language you please, but whether you will be understood is another matter. All those around me are constantly asking whether I intend to learn Mandarin. The truth is, I would love to. But, I have no illusions of my ability, as my third child always comments 'when are you going to learn Hebrew?' meaning that in his opinion, I still only 'murder' the language. I totally disagree with that, for when you are able to argue and be understood in the native tongue, you have made it your own!!!

Seriously speaking though (no pun intended), I recently read of someone who took 300 hours (not sure if they were the full hours or accademic ones), spent 30,000 yuan (equivalet of $3,940) on one to one lessons and is still unable to order pizza over the phone! Whereas in comparison to the same amount of lessons in Spanish, would have been able to hold a whole conversation. It is of course the 'tones' or as pronounced here, 'the 'tohns' that are the problem, both your accent, the sound that you use, can change the meaning of the word and I have been reassured by native speakers, that they themselves ask each other if the word spoken, was really what had been intended by the speaker!! So, no chance in heaven for me!.

Language experts estimate that it would take more than 2.000 hours of instruction over a period of 2 years, learning incessantly 20 hours a week, to be fluent. Bearing in mind that China has 1.3 billion people, that China will become in time the third language of the world, maybe I should perservere?

In a taxi I am now able to make myself understood with the basic directions, but when I tried to show off my new skills to a student, he looked at me blankly, not understanding a word I said. Upset at his lack of support for my ability, I hastily explained that the drivers seemed to understand me, as since I had mastered these few words, I arrived at my destination more easily. His reply was that they 'needed' to understand me in order to receive the fare!!

Maybe as not to waste the opportunity of being here I should learn Spanish?
Ole anyone?

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