Saturday, March 22, 2008

A rose by any other name....

'It is Spring again, ......' for those of you who remember that song, it certainly is one that is playing in my ears for the last few days. Rain drops have finally fallen on my head, as I waited patiently for my appointed driver to pick me up on Friday morning, luck just has it that it was pouring that day. As always, I attracted attention standing there on the corner with my purple umbrella, 'wine' cardigan (the days have become warmer) and short socks! But, today the sun was shining and I had trouble keeping my adult students attention. It just goes to show what blue sky does for all people the world over.

A few days ago I went to the hospital to have a medical examination,to enable me to get my
visa exchanged to a work one. Next to the hospital, there is a small garden/park that was full that day of young families. This was to me a delightful sight, as up to now I have complained of the fact that I do not see little children around, but they are instead kept bundled up at home.

Here on that warm spring day, there were stroller, buggies filled with children dressed in brightly colored clothes,wearing hats to ward off the sun rays!? (they would never survive a hot day in Israel), There were squeals of delight from the toddlers as they attempted to touch a passing toy dog, much to the annoyance of their elderly owners.

Some of these tiny tots were dressed in 'traditional dress', but to my constant
amazement, their pants, between the legs were open and exposed all their little private parts and bare bottoms. I will never get used to that part of the Chinese culture.
On the other hand, when a child in my class has a runny nose, he inevitably
uses his sleeve to wipe it. But, here in the park, the owner of a Pekinese dog,
used a tissue to wipe its nose!

Nevertheless, the children were adorable. As for the rainy weather, all the bicyclists, like me,
were dressed in colorful attire. Not being able to wear a traditional 'mac'
the colorful capes that they wore, were billowing in the wind as they rode past, a beautiful array of cycling butterflies in the rain. On the other hand
in Israel, when it rains, the ground seems to move under your feet. It is a spectacle to watch pedestrians trying to cross the road; they stand on one foot, the other in the air, contemplating which spot to place their other foot down on. Well, when they finally do, it is with a squelch and a splash as their shoes become waterlogged and soaked. Now that I am here, in an orderly rain, I miss the gales and wind, the 'fun' of walking around all day in soggy clothes! The disposable umbrellas that seem to be good only for one time, becoming acrobats, as they turn themselves inside out and then you see on the street
a load of broken 'body brolly' parts, as they have been discarded on the path....useless, forlorn, their work done, well almost, because now their past owner will have to continue on their way, brolly-minus!

Just a shame that my taxi drove up at that moment as I was struggling to pull out my camera to take a snap of the nylon shower attire, on that first rain-fall day. But just a thought, here they are unashamedly riding ever so brightly by and they look at me!?! I can't wait to see what they
wear on a summery sunny day.

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